
Increase Savings for College Life
According to savingsforcollege.com the average balance of a 529 savings plan is $25,664. For the majority of households this value is not an accurate representation of their current financial state.
In every Scholarships 4 Us® Accredited Event, Student-Participants will contribute 25% the Cost of Entry for their Savings Contribution so these funds will always be accrued.
Decrease Student Loan Debt
According to Forbes, the current Student Loan Debt is $1.7 trillion or nearly $28,950 per former student. As the cost of attending a postsecondary education institution continues to increase the only solution to decrease student loan debt is to decrease the amount future students have to borrow.
Scholarships 4 Us® revolutionizes the $19.6 billion after school youth sports and activities market from handing out material awards to offering managed prize funds based on place finish in an event. These funds are accumulated with the intended purpose to disbursed as a scholarship award.

Build Your Own Business
The indoctrination our 'eduction system' places on resume building in order to be the best candidate for employment limits the full potential of the universal mind. High school graduates will now have The Scholarships 4 Us® Program and Platforms available to them so they have an opportunity to build their own business by becoming an Accredited Hosts.