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Increase Scholarship Award Disbursement Requests 

Increase Match Donations

Increase The Number Of Full-Tuition Recipients

To incentivize former Student-Participants to request the disbursement of their accumulated prize funds as a scholarship award- Scholarships 4 Us® created the Scholarship Match Award™. The award is only available to former Student-Participants and the recipients will receive a full-tuition* scholarship to a 4-year undergraduate degree program. All former Student-Participants are eligible to apply or reapply for a master’s degree program with the presentation of a business solution.   


Individuals and organizations across the nation can show their support through tax-deductible donations with the purpose of matching the total number of students enrolled. If Scholarships 4 Us® has 7 million enrollees, then the goal is to raise $7 million, which will be a recognized as a 100% Match. The total funds raised each year shall be known as the ‘Match Cap’ that will determine the number of full-tuition scholarships we are able to provide. Scholarships 4 Us® will partner with a scholarship provider for the management and administration of the Scholarships Match Award™.


The current situation in the United States of America is that systems are either outdated, broken or undefined. We, as a nation, have the advancements in technology, an abundant of resources, brilliant minds, but are still missing comprehensive solutions for many of the fundamental systems that make our nation function. The Scholarship Match Award™ is for students in the disciplines of Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship, Philosophy or Political Science. Applicants must demonstrate through our application process how they are going to use their field of study(s) to provide a solution to a system that is outdated, broken or undefined.

Click Here to view the Scholarship Match Award.

Graphic Shapes


Total Enrollees



Current Match Cap

Graphic Chart


Lifetime Donations

Bar Chart


Full-Tuition Scholarship Recipients

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